Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Works Museum

This exhibit was a great example of signage because it had this little flip chart with directions sitting next to it. What's so great about this, or what caught my attention was the fact that if people wanted to try to figure out the exhibit by themselves, then they could. It makes the option available to look at more text for those who want it, without discouraging those who don't.

This exhibit was a very effective for my learning style. It was simple enough to use, hands out and had a great explanation about its use. I think this would be an activity I would use in my final project because of it was something simple that could be used in many different ways.

This exhibit had a great example of signage. The explanation of how the exhibit worked was not that long at all, and the pictures are GREAT at showing how the apparatus is supposed to work. I actually just looked at the pictures for this exhibit first and was able to figure out how this worked. Then went back to read exactly what this exhibit was about.

This was an exhibit at the works museum that I found to be ineffective as a student trying to learn. The first time stepped on the footprints the exhibit did not read my height accurately. I concentrated on getting my feet exactly aligned with those shown on the floor and that caused for inaccurate results. When I stood on the feet with them a little off (not aligned) the exhibit read my height right. I think this would get a little confusing for students.

1 comment:

  1. What was the point of the "height" exhibit? What was it supposed to show? Hilary ran into an exhibit that had technical difficulties, too, and it was frustrating. I'm sure visitors will go directly to the interactive/technological component of an exhibit, and if it doesn't work, they're out of there!

    You have interesting observations about signage. You might consider having a flip chart sign at your exhibit if you like the idea of giving visitors choice in how much they utilize a component.
